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Fistula Part 2 - Dialysis Tips

May 12, 2024

2 min read



It’s been about 8 weeks since my fistula surgery.  I head back to the doctor for my final check-up.  Once released, the dialysis center can start weaning off the catheter and start using my arm as access for dialysis.  Then, I can get this catheter out of my chest!

The doctor looks at my arm and feels the pulsing of the blood flow.  Well, he feels the pulsating in a few places, but not in the whole arm.  “Your vein has caved in,” he says.  Good grief!  What does that mean??

He said it’s common for this to happen, especially if you have scar tissue from many IV’s.  I am sure that described me considering all the blood transfusions I’ve had via IV before my mediport surgery.

A surgery was scheduled to put a balloon down the vein and blow it up to create a wider space for the blood to flow.  In addition, there was a branch of veins close to my elbow that needed “coils” to prevent too much blood flowing off in that direction.

Surgery went well.  No issues.  There was just a small incision in my bicep that was closed with stitches.  It did bruise quite a bit, but it wasn’t painful or sore.    The bruising was so bad though, the nurse at the hospital really questioned me about it when I went in for a blood transfusion.  It did look like I was forcibly grabbed on the arm. 

Another 2 weeks to heal and then a return to the doctor to see if the surgery worked.  Hoping it will heal and I can be released to start using it soon.

After two surgeries on my arm, it just aches constantly.  I find that keeping it bent throughout the day makes it hurt more and if I pick up something that’s a little too heavy.  When I go to bed, my arm throbs and I can feel the blood pulsating.  It’s hard to get comfortable.   If I keep it extended it helps, but during the night I would unintentionally bend it. 

I bought this pillow for my arm, and it has made going to bed more comfortable.  It doesn’t keep me from bending my arm, but since I got the pillow, I have days that I wake up and it’s still extended where I placed it at bedtime.

I am thinking about buying another one to take to dialysis once they use my fistula.  I see many people trying to rest their arm on the arm of the chair.  It doesn’t look very comfortable. 

The pillow is made by Soaoo and comes in a few different colors.  It is very comfy and offers great support.

Soaoo Arm Elevation Pillow Pain Relief for Arm Pain Broken Arm Post Surgery Soft Arm Rest Pillow Leg Injury

Soaoo Arm Elevation Pillow
Soaoo Arm Elevation Pillow

Soaoo Arm Elevation Pillow
Soaoo Arm Elevation Pillow

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